
Emergency Education International provides collaborative emergency preparedness technical assistance to strengthen community and organizational safety and resilience.

What we offer

With over 30 years of combined experience working with local, national, and international entities in education, fire, rescue, and emergency medical services, EEI designs and implements emergency preparedness, response, and recovery interventions, following the Strategic Approach to Capacity Development for Implementation principles set forth in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

EEI understands that strengthening disaster and emergency resilience capabilities is only possible with engagement, partnership, and leadership from community stakeholders. Our guiding principles are to provide education and training that are culturally adaptable, accessible to all populations, and inclusive, with a focus on equity, in addition to being replicable so that stakeholders have ownership. Our role is to partner with and support entities who are the experts in their own strengths and needs and tailor our services to those specific needs, whether it be training a fire department in incident command or strengthening an entire community’s capacity for dealing with disasters.

Needs Assessment & Resiliency Analysis

Asking the right questions in collaboration with stakeholders is imperative to designing and implementing long lasting, effective interventions. We analyze this critical question first:  How prepared are you not only for the next big emergency but for the challenges of your day-to-day operations?

We use dynamic, participatory needs assessment tools to analyze vulnerability and capacity for effective emergency response, identify hazards, monitor and enhance the capacity to cope and recover from emergencies or disasters, and build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels.

Intervention Development

Designing interventions is a multifaceted process. Ongoing community or organizational  participation and input are, as always, critical. Together we set priorities for actions, create defined objectives, develop comprehensive technical assistance strategies that are replicable and can be disseminated, and formulate sustainable exit strategies.

Technical Assistance

EEI’s unique strength is our expansive network of specialists available to provide hands-on training. Our consultants are experts in: 

Risk management and preparedness, Incident Command, Emergency Medical Services, crisis intervention, post-emergency management, structural, wildland and urban interface firefighting, extrication, search and rescue, Haz-Mat, tactical first responder operations, emergency vehicle operations, rescue operation safety, wilderness medicine, public health, defense tactics, seismology, infectious disease, water rescue, OSHA regulations, helicopter operations, and high-altitude and high-angle rescue.

Communications and Interoperability

Effective communication can be the difference between life and death in an emergency. EEI works with all entities involved in emergency response to create common language and skills. We strengthen responders’ and communities’ abilities to: engage in awareness raising campaigns before disasters strike, mobilize rapid and effective communications that prevent panic when they do, promote appropriate community behaviors during emergencies such as how to shelter in place and preparation of emergency kits, coordinate response efforts across agencies, and mobilize resources.

Learn about our staff and consultants